Meet Hayley. Hayley's favorite thing about yoga is that it's so forgiving. You can leave your practice and come back as many times as your life changes. In different shapes, moods, energies, times of life, levels of dedication… it will always be there. One of her favorite yoga reminders is “It's a yoga PRACTICE not a yoga PERFECT. “ Just like in yoga, Hayley believes life is about practice and not about perfection which is why she loves to dive into learning and practicing a little of everything! She is a watercolor and acrylic painter, and makes traditional style dream catchers out of Utah-gathered antlers, bones and feathers. She's also a practicing Reiki Master and tarot reader and has her cdl which she uses at her other job where she drives a dump truck. All of this is part of her beautifully chaotic life which she travels through with her musical husband, two sweet, fireball children and pack of goofy, lovable dogs. Hayley has practiced yoga long enough to know it's not about perfecting a pose but finding a feeling within the practice. She teaches in a way that allows for freedom to interpret while encouraging a little push on your own boundaries. Drop into an evening yin class with her to find a moment of stillness and catch your breath, you'll leave lighter and ready for a night of deep sleep.